Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh, Crap! I'm In love(Part 2)

 Okay, I'm back. Today was really tiring with these practices and activities going on; got a lot of things to do! Well, I'm here again to tell you about the "love" thingy. I can't get it out of my head; I think it's stuck there forever. haha! Surely this would be the end part of my story. I don't want to talk too much about it, you might think I'm so obsessed.
 Today, I saw him(Mr. Right) again, not just in school but I was actually hanging out with him somewhere here but not in school(there were no classes then). Can you believe that? Me with him? How nice right? Well, I was able to talk to him and joked around. He's really so cute and I wan't to pinch his red cheeks all the time--but I can't. You see, it would be so unusual if I pinch his face a couple of times and laugh to myself; people would think I'm crazy. So I stopped myself for thinking such a thing and focused on the fact that I was really there with him! Oh my gosh! It really makes me feel like I'm walking down the aisle, with him at the end, waiting for me--just imagining things, you know me, so imaginative.
 'Til then, I was able to share smiles with him. We both laughed at each other many times and guess what? I stared into his eyes and again, my heart was pounding in my chest faster than usual. You might think I'm crazy but I confess, I think I really am going crazy: crazy for him. But no need to put me in the mental hospital okay? I might go crazier there living with people who has mental disorders or something. No offense.
 Then, as what I've said we shared smiles and it made me so happy and contented: contented with my day because it's now complete. It payed off my exhaustion and all, and it was really worth it.
 Because of what happened today, I realized only him can make me smile that way and erase all those worries of mine. No one has ever made me feel like that and I think he's the one and the ONLY one who can do it. Sometimes I worry that someday he might leave me or I may not be able to see him again because I think I can't handle it; I might go crazy and die. But if this would happen, I think I should accept it, set him free and move on; that's how heartbroken people do right? "To forgive and to forget", that's how they say it.
 So, I've promised myself that even if time may change, my feelings for him would never ever change; like I said before, my heart ONLY beats for him and that's final. I guess that's it. Maybe if I have the chance to spend another time with him, I might post it here. Thanks a lot and hope you guys would have your own happy love life!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Gessa! :) I found your blog! Yyaay. Great accomplishment. Teehee. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. Go Bloggers! We'll all improve together. <3

  2. wow. suhweet! :) <3 Hi gessa. wahehe
